Divine Guidance


A message from my Divine Inner Genius ( I have been having conversations with this part of myself, in my journal, for years)

My Question: How will this heart attack change my life?

Actually it will change your life for the better. This is how you created your life because this is a pivotal lifetime in your evolution.  You wanted to transform many things. You had a heart attack but it is not the beginning of your decline, it is the beginning of living from your heart.  That is a whole new level of living, with compassion, curiosity, bliss, joy, love and excitement.  Your life has not been about those things so far.  

We are sorry for the human side of you for which this causes suffering for we can see what it does to you.

We are asking you to stay in the moment through this process, drop the “What if’s”, be present with yourself and feel what it feels like to live from the heart. The heart doesn’t question…it just knows.  From heart space self-love is primary, self-compassion and self-care are key, for from this place all things are possible, even what seems to be impossible!




Love Really is Everywhere

I have been finding hearts everywhere for about a year. Everytime I find one whether it is one I spot or one that shows up on my Facebook Wall there is a spark of wonder, a dose of happiness and I smile. My Universe has been talking to me, giving me clues. It seems like evidence of something wonderful!

I don’t believe it was a prophecy that I would have a heart attack, I think it is about living from my heart. I couldn’t do that with a protective shield over my heart. That had to be broken (heart attack ) and my heart needed to be opened (stents).

My friend Linda asked me a couple of weeks ago why I thought I found hearts everywhere. The first thing out of my mouth was “It’s easy to find love!”, which kind of surprised me, and “love is everwhere.” I have learned in less than 5 days, through this heart adventure that both of those things are true!

I am going to start a journal in my blog about this journey called My Heart Adventure. I hope you will read it.

I found this pretty, handmade wooden box for $5 at the thrift store a few hours before the heart attack.heart box